Sunday, 30 December 2012

DON’T SPAM, KERBLAM! Being more effective with your Email, Social Media and SMS Marketing!

It is all so easy to fall into the trap when working on SMS, email or Social Media campaigns of constantly trying to sell to your database and thus really just becoming SPAM. The problem is, this becomes boring to the majority of people, annoying to others, and what initially was a brand you trusted and opted in to be part of, now quite frankly bugs the hell out of you. So you either opt out or just ignore the messages completely, from the brands perspective a connection and possible customer is lost. Now when you send your database about an offer or info on something they really want to hear about you don’t have their attention or you cant reach them as they have opted out.

Back in the day when I was a Commercial agent for Sports teams and athletes I had a mantra that I would always speak to our sponsors at least 4 times during the season without asking for money. So I called them to give them free event tickets, make sure their advert was up to date in programme, ask them if they wanted to feature on our email newsletter ….. or just for a general chat. You can be sure when we needed a Man of the Match sponsored during or at the end of the season and their sponsorship renewal was up, they were always happy to speak with me and answered the phone.

The same applies to your database, send messages that show you care, are informative, useful, funny and not just the blatant sale, that way when you have something really great to sell, KERBLAM you have your contacts full attention and you have a good chance to bag a sale…

For more information on Paul and So and So Marketing visit email follow him on Twitter @paulsonso or sign up to their email newsletter by CLICKING HERE

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